Saturday, January 14, 2012

Apologies for the long sleep

Caught up with the material priorities and am now ready to blog again on the real priorities. We all pay bills, pay taxes, pay for ego trips for the relative theory of richness. :) Let me try to enrich us again with the thought process. About two years ago, I attended a quantum to cosmos festival. I had the privilege of meeting world renowned theoretical physicists, thought leaders. My simple question was not answered. I will find the link to the audio and will post it for you to hear it. My question was how come we have measured speed of everything like sound, light etc, but have we ever tried to find the speed of the thoughts? Got such a convoluted answer. You have to hear it. One thing for sure is that the quantum guys are slowly, but steadily converging onto vedic ideas. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 6

" I now realise the presence of the almighty Lord, the universal entitym the one who is self-illuminated and radiant like the sun,
He is beyond all darkness; with this realisation, now I fear not even death.
I proclaim, this is the path, the only path to salvation, to the goal of life, the eternal bliss." (Yaju 31.18)

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

Personal commentary:
One of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein goes as below:
"Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity."

Coming to the hymn from the vedas, I seek to know the goal of the life. What is the perfect equation for an eternally blissful life? It is known that there is no known eternity for us the poor human beings and there is no such thing known as eternally blissful life. Rich people fear about losing what they have and the poor people fear about also the same. Here the Einstein's thoery of relativity applies very well.

If we look at the politics, politicians need something to survive as they have not defined any equation of balance. They are also dependent on the thoery of relativity. They want to publish who is relatively more corrupt than others in all respects to win votes. Once they win those votes, the equation changes again and it's now the turn of the other losing opposition. The politicians need some thing for the survival of the day, which means present. They will never ever have a future vision, forget about thinking about eternity. Make a quick buck now relative to others. It may as well mean stoking hatred amongst the general public in the name of their worst weakness: Religion. And the salvation of these poor people in the name of the religion is death, but for politicians, it's an opportunity for survival for the day and a way earn immoral money. Fortunatey, they have a fixed time frame to realize the opportunity. For the poor subjects, their life expectancy is the only unknown time frame and hence they are always asked to be optimistic about the future with a hope that "life" will be better tomorrow.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 5

In the Beginning (Nasadiya sukta)

" The non-existent was not then,
Nor was the existent,
The Earth was not, nor the firmament,
Nor that which is beyond.
What could cover what,
And where and in whose care did the waters and
the bottomless deep then exist? (Rig 10.129.1)"

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

My comments: Honestly, I am lost with the reference of the context and the time. How can there be a state where the existent and non-existent can go together? There has to be some thing existing. There has to be gene(atom) that exists that must have propogated life as we know to day beyond that state. It's beyond the "known" to explain these complicated matters. May be I will find out soon to share with you.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 3

The Evolution of Heat and Light

"In the beginning, there was neither nought nor aught
Then there was neither sky nor atmosphere above.
What then enshrouded all this universe?
In the receptacle of what was it contained?
Then there was neither death nor immortality,
Then there was neither day, not night not light,
nor darkness,
Only the Existent one breathed calmly,
Self-contained. " (Rig. 10.121.1)

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

My comments: Some how I can't but feel that all the recent theorems and theories have a resonance (I will stop short of calling it plagiarism) with the vedic meaning.

"Amazing are the ancient writings and amazing equally is our ignorance" (Jay .... 25th July, 2006)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Vedic Hymns Part - 3

In the Yajurveda, there is a reference to the supreme reality:

" It moves, it moves not.
It is far, and it is near,
It is Within all this,
And it is outside all this "
(Yajur. 22.5)

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

My comments:

What is it that makes me feel that there is God? Why should I believe in God? What is it that is driving people to kill others in the name of a God? What is it? What do I realize? And What do those suicide killer did realized before blowing themselves up in the name of a God? No God ever asked for that. If that is so, I don't need a God and I hate the God. It is the prophets or Gurus or sons of God that are asking for such discrimination and hatred and bloodshed. Please note there is no scripture from God asking to do so. Just stop it!!!!!!

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 2

O Supreme Lord!
Thou art ever existent,
Ever conscious, ever blissful.
We meditate on thy most adorable glory.
Mayest thou guide and inspire our intellect
on the path of highest divinity!
May we be able to discriminate
between the truth and falsehood.

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

Which religion on earth preaches such simple things? The key in Hinduism as I decipher it that it allows the dialogue between a devotee and the God. The scriptures or the religion encourages people to question the existence of the God as they know and as was described by some scripture or preacher. Why do we need a barrier between the God and me? It's my personal experience. How dare some body imposes their definition unto me?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 1

"The dawn receives her beams from beyond the rising place of of the sun. Borne on a hundread auras of glory, the auspicious dawn advances on her way in different directions". (Rig 1.48.7)

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The first Outsourced First family

I found this creative image of President Bush and the first lady in a local Indian magazine on the occassion of Mr. Bush's visit to India.

I wish this is not just an image, but a true photograph!!!!!!

Hum.... You never know. Dreams can come true.