Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 3

The Evolution of Heat and Light

"In the beginning, there was neither nought nor aught
Then there was neither sky nor atmosphere above.
What then enshrouded all this universe?
In the receptacle of what was it contained?
Then there was neither death nor immortality,
Then there was neither day, not night not light,
nor darkness,
Only the Existent one breathed calmly,
Self-contained. " (Rig. 10.121.1)

Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books

My comments: Some how I can't but feel that all the recent theorems and theories have a resonance (I will stop short of calling it plagiarism) with the vedic meaning.

"Amazing are the ancient writings and amazing equally is our ignorance" (Jay .... 25th July, 2006)