Vedic Hymns on Creation Part - 5
In the Beginning (Nasadiya sukta)
" The non-existent was not then,
Nor was the existent,
The Earth was not, nor the firmament,
Nor that which is beyond.
What could cover what,
And where and in whose care did the waters and
the bottomless deep then exist? (Rig 10.129.1)"
Reference: The holy vedas by Pundit Satyakam Vidyalankar, published by Clarion Books
My comments: Honestly, I am lost with the reference of the context and the time. How can there be a state where the existent and non-existent can go together? There has to be some thing existing. There has to be gene(atom) that exists that must have propogated life as we know to day beyond that state. It's beyond the "known" to explain these complicated matters. May be I will find out soon to share with you.